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  • James Gibbons

Generating Sales Leads for SaaS based businesses

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

SaaS is everywhere as more people are moving to the Cloud. This article looks into some of the key triggers of why our clients have been successful with generating leads in this space.

What Is SaaS?

Software as a Service is where people are purchasing a license fee usually on a monthly or annual basis where they can access an application which is Cloud based. This means there is no on premise cost for expensive servers as all of the storage and security is handled by the incumbent.

Approach to take with SaaS?

Understanding your prospects is crucial to approaching them in the most effective manner. Considering intelligence will be crucial to planning the best approach. Below are some of the main things to consider when targeting your approach.

Buyer Personas

What does your ideal client look like, where do they typically hang out and what does there day to day role look like? These are all important factors to understand prior to approaching your prospects. At Link Creator, we have helped clients with doing detailed analysis into buyer personas and can assist in this area of planning your efforts.


How are you going to target your prospects? Is this going to be a mixture of lumpy mail, email, ads and cold calling? Understanding the Persona will enable you to plan what might resonate. We have helped many organisations to plan this area thoroughly. Being able to steadily build relationships and bring prospects into the pipeline.

Nurturing Prospects

So not all of your ideal clients will be ready to purchase at the same time. So how do you ensure that you will be ‘in the room’ at the right time? By gently nurturing your prospects with a mixture of relevant marketing materials and relationship building will get you in the right place at the right time. Depending on the Sales cycle some organisations may only review annually or even longer than that. So understanding all the previous points and also having a relationship prior to renewal or start of a new relationship is fundamental to achieve success.

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