During these times of rapid change the Coronavirus pivot has been one of the most talked about phrases in recent times. This article looks at how business is having to adapt quickly to change and how some have been successful with rapid change.
What is the Coronavirus pivot? With the disease spreading rapidly across the world many businesses have had to find ways to adapt the way that they are working. For example, many pubs and restaurants have had a prolonged period of time where they have been unable to trade at full capacity. This has brought many challenges with several of these businesses already having to close. So, to keep themselves trading successfully many have had to change or pivot is the main term used currently.
How to Adapt to Change Businesses that have been forced to close for a prolonged amount of time due to Government restrictions have had to find new ways of doing business. There is many examples of pubs and restaurants going fully online and doing delivery. Our local pub have also been delivering food boxes as they have had to adapt to consumer demand. This has been a good way to keep generating revenue.
Review the competition during the Coronavirus pivot How many of you are constantly reviewing what your main competitors are doing? There is an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by being one step ahead of your competition. With my business http://www.linkcreator.co.uk, we have had to also adapt our way of working. A lot more personalised touch points to clients and also advising our clients to be more about giving assistance rather than selling. This has proved to be a really good way of building relationships with prospects and has generated revenue for our clients who are seen as the good guys during these times.
Track and Trace As with any new service offering it is imperative to track how you are doing. Thoroughly understanding what your prospects like about your services and the actions they take on your website are crucial to understand. Trace where your prospects are landing and if they do not go through to purchasing your services, understand why. Trace the actions they took and constantly review your offering. Please see another article which is useful around the Coronavirus pivot here – https://www.bethebusiness.com/productivity-insights/coronavirus-pivoting-your-business/